Call - (631) 673-7250
Text - (516) 423-2543
Lesson Scheduling: The tutor will contact you to schedule the first lesson. If you ever need to change a scheduled lesson or add an additional lesson, please feel free to contact our tutors directly. An adult must be home during tutoring sessions.
Minimum Session Length: The minimum length of each session is 1 hour. Occasionally students will have other obligations that cut our lessons short. In this case, we will still bill for the full hour. Please schedule lessons accordingly.
Lesson Duration: Lessons exceeding 1 hr. are rounded to the nearest 1/4 of an hr.
Lesson Summary:
After each lesson, your tutor will send the office a lesson summary. At that time your card will be charged or a session will be removed from your package and the lesson summary will be forwarded to you.
Payment: Tutors are not to be paid directly! In order to reserve a spot, please keep a credit card on file to avoid a late payment charge. There is a $10 late charge for any payment not made on the day of the lesson and an additional $1 per day until full payment is made. A late payment is deemed as any payment that is not received by the end of the business day. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Please complete the credit card payment authorization form and remember to create a PayTrace account.
If you are uncomfortable with leaving a credit card on file, a discounted package must be purchased ahead of time for all reoccuring appointments. If the session is a one-time slot, it must be paid for in full on the day of booking.
Cancellation Policy: In order to maintain scheduling flexibility for our teachers, we have a 24hr cancellation policy. Lessons that are cancelled with less than 24-hours notice will be charged in full. This policy is not meant to be punitive, but is in place out of respect for the value of our tutor’s time. However, if the cancellation is due to sickness or an emergency, then the payment can be used towards a pre-existing group session at the HwH within one week of the cancellation date.
Thank you for submitting your Home Tutoring Form!
~Homework Hub
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