Call - (631) 673-7250
Text - (516) 423-2543
Grades 6-8 Foreign Language
{3:1} Student to Teacher Ratio
Homework Hub's four-week summer Foreign Language program meets for one hour, two days a week, totaling 12 hours of instruction.
Our Foreign Language program is intended for students who are looking for intervention, support, or enrichment.
If your child is at grade level, please sign up for the grade your child will be entering in the fall (support). If your child is struggling academically, please sign up for the grade he/she has just completed (intervention). If your child is above grade level and you are looking to challenge him/her, please sign up for one grade above the school year they will be going into in the fall (enrichment).
Classes will run with a minimum of two enrolled students.
Ready to Get Started?